Yes, it has been several weeks since I've updated you all on my half-marathon training adventure. Here's what you've missed:
Training Our 10 mile run at Crissy Field and Baker Beach coincided with what must have been the hottest San Francisco weather we've had all year. I'm not one who particularly enjoys running in the heat, so all I can say is that it was a struggle. It was by far the hardest run I've done yet, mentally and physically. I finished, with much team support, but just barely. I slept the entire rest of the day!
Our 11 mile run, however, was the complete opposite. It was a mild San Francisco day--read a little cold and windy--but it felt like perfect weather after the previous weeks scorcher. Any run that long is a challenge for me, but it was also quite enjoyable. I was able to pick up the pace to run somewhere around 9:30 minute miles and came in strong. I hope I am able to repeat this performance on race day.
Following two heavy distance weeks, the next week we backed off for a meager 6 mile run. 6 miles seems like nothing after running 10 and 11 miles. In fact, by the end I had enough energy to pick up the pace for the last 200 yards. Sadly, that is when disaster struck. With only 100 yards to go, I started experiencing sharp pains in my right knee and hip. I tried to push through the pain, but that just made it worse. I was forced to walk the last 50 yards. :( Thank goodness for our team coach, Jason, who quickly identified that I was having IT band issues and prescribed multiple stretches that would help. I don't fully understand what causes the pain, but I do know that your IT band stretches from somewhere in your hip/butt area and connects down near your knee--which is why I had pain in both areas.
The stretching regimen seems to be helping, but sadly, the same problem struck last week during our 12 mile run. I made it about 3.5 miles before the pain intensified. Once it started, I knew I needed to back off to avoid an injury that could keep me from running the race on July 18th! This week, I've been strictly prohibited from running. Instead, I'll be focusing on stretching multiple times a day and doing other types of cross training. There's still time to get my IT band back in shape, and I'm doing everything I can to make it happen.
I'll be sure to update you on my recovery before the race. I am committed to doing the race either way--even if it means walking a substantial part of it. It would be a let-down for sure, but I've worked too hard not to complete the race one way or another.
Fundraising My fundraising is also going great, thanks to the amazing support of all of you. Can you believe that almost 30 people have donated over $2000 to CCFA already?!?! We're almost at my minimum fundraising goal of $2,600. We CAN do this. While donations will be accepted towards my goal through August 31, the official fundraising deadline is just TWO DAYS AWAY. Please help me cross the finish--it's only $549 away. Every donation gets me one step closer to my goal, and CCFA one dollar closer to finding a cure for Crohn's and Colitis.
Thank you again for everyone's support. Keep a look-out for my upcoming pre and post-race updates.